Period 1: Technological and Environmental Transformation: 600 B.C.E.

Where we start learning in AP World is the Paleolithic era. In the Paleoliticic era you see humans organized in hunting-foraging bands that never stay in one place. Our species, the human one, is the only one to migrate on a global level both conciously and permanently. They go with the food. The groups will go from their hearth of East Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas. As they move, they adapt to the land and climates through their development of technology. The first major technological advancement was the use of fire in new ways. Humans started to use fire to help them in hunting,light, protection, cooking of food, warmth, and ambush. Also, they were smart in keeping the groups they traveled with small. In order to achieve this was women not having a lot of children. This was so the group could be sustained and healthy.

During this time, humans were also more healthy and there wasn't a strict social hierarchy. Their lives were healthier because they got constant excersize and a balanced diet. The balanced diet ties into the social hierarchy because the women would forage while the men would hunt. If a man couldn't bring home the meat, the women of the group still had the berries and herbs. Men and women were considered more equal then, than they are now! After this point the role of women only goes down as a patriarchcal society emerges. In the tribes there was no set leader nor followers, because there was no accumliation of wealth. People only carried what they needed with them, aka what they could carry on their backs.

Pictures Cave Painting
Cave painting from the Neolithic Era.
Venus Fertility Statue
Statue to represent the importance of fertility throughout the Paleotlitic Era